
作者:小狐狸308225发布时间:2023-10-01 19:40:36阅读次数:0
曼联输球,国外网友:有抬车卧龙凤雏比烂,谁还想看争冠啊 2023年10月1日 19:14:41  懂球帝

a_guy_named-gai: 有曼联和切尔西每周刷纪录大戏,谁™还看争冠啊。(Who the fuck cares about title race when United and Chelsea are making history every week.)

iAkhilleus: 他们主场坐拥78%控球率还输了。(Bro, they lost with 78% possession at home.)

LandanTahn: 我们输诺丁汉森立也有77%,但记分牌不管这些。(We lost with 77% vs Forest but the scoreline doesn't care about that.)

eustatics: 0-1落后所有人都放弃了,好一个反向奥勒(索尔斯克亚)。(1-0 down and everyone just gives up. Such a weird contrast from Ole.)

JamJam120199: 奥勒是个氛围组,滕哈格则是纪律咖。人们会更多支持他们爱的人,而不是他们害怕的人,当他们不再害怕主教练时,就什么都不在乎了。( Ole was a vibes dude, Ten hag is a disciplinary.  People will turn up more for the people they love rather than the people they fear & when they no longer fear the manager, they no longer give a shit.)


GarththeLegend: 反观利物浦0-1时就会醒(wake up),打脸啊。(Meanwhile, when Liverpool go 1-0 down and they just wake up. What a stark contrast.)

Varja22: “我们本赛季是争冠球队了”——滕哈格。("We are title contenders this season".)

LilDiamondtoxic: 曼联每周打开方式:开局不错,丢一个球,开始摆烂,输掉比赛。(The Man Utd cycle: Start off well, concede a goal, team turn to shit, we lose. Fml)


ninjapenguin12: 别担心你们依然领先切尔西四分。(No need to worry your still 4pts clear of Chelsea.)

treq10: 每个礼拜,切尔西球迷看曼联比赛比看切尔西比赛还开心,反之亦然。两天后我们(切尔西)去踢富勒姆,届时曼联球迷又有乐子看了。( Every week Chelsea fans get more joy watching United games than Chelsea games, and vice versa.  United fans will have their turn in two days when we shit the bed to Fulham.)

irze: 事实上,万一切尔西赢了他们就只落后曼联一分了,这才能看出曼联到底多么稀烂。(The fact that in case Chelsea win they're only a point behind United really just shows how fucking awful United have been as well.)

WerhmatsWormhat: “万一切尔西赢了”——这才是你说的重点吧。( if Chelsea win- Well here's your issue.)



ocanuc: 一个严肃的问题:这个赛季是笑话曼联更欢乐,还是笑话切尔西更快乐?(Serious question, this season is it more enjoyable to laugh at Man U or laugh at Chelsea?)

aaaaaaadjsf: 如果你看弗爵时代长大的,肯定是看曼联更乐呵。(Man United for sure if you grew up during the Ferguson era.)

Pivikas: 笑话曼联是每年保留节目,切尔西则是后起之秀,我选切尔西。(laughing at man u is kinda annual thing at the moment , chelsea is more of new stuff so i'll take chelsea.)

RandomCopyPasta_Bot: 切尔西踢得有些无聊了,反观曼联,还能偶尔赢几场,进几个球,然后再次被揍趴下。( Chelsea have gotten boring.  United on the other hand, get a few wins and score a few once in a while to bring them down again.)

Pilvikas: 花10亿然而排第12永远不会让人觉得无聊。(spending a billion to finish 12th is never gonna be boring.)

BushidoBrownIsHere: “切尔西踢得有些无聊了”——那是你,他们每次输我都能乐呵一天。( Chelsea have gotten boring.  speak for yourself. Every game they lose makes my day.)

JeffryPesos: 切尔西球迷有自知之明所以可以和大家同乐,但曼联球迷心态不行,他们怪伤病,赖状态,喷VAR……反正就是不承认自己踢得像一坨屎。(Chelsea fans know they're shit so they'll laugh with you but Yanited fans are lost in the sauce. They'll blame injuries, form, VAR... anything but accept that their shit.)

TheLankySoldier: 我作为切尔西球迷本赛季甚至也很享受,你永远不知道下一步会发生什么。(Even as a Chelsea fan, I’m enjoying this season. You don’t know what will happen anymore.)

siva-pc: 最后时刻上马奎尔打中锋已经堪称滕哈格的战术巅峰了。(Bringing Maguire on to play Target man when they are chasing the match is peak Ten Hag Ball.)



darksideofgravity: 拉什福德能不能别在蒙头狂带了。就因为他看不到队友我们失去了太多的机会了。(I need Rashford to stop dribbling with his head constantly facing down. We're losing so many opportunities cause he can't see his teammates beside him.)

LA4lyf: 曼联应该等巴黎圣日耳曼对拉什福德报价时大赚一笔。(United should have cashed in on Rashford when PSG wanted him.)

ThePrussianGrippe: 就算赚一笔也得给浪费喽。(Would've still wasted the money somehow.)

HakunonMatata: 曼联老铁无需焦虑,我们周一就0-2输富勒姆帮你们缓解压力。(Don't worry, Man United. We'll take the heat off you once again by losing 2-0 to Fulham next Monday.)

KingStamford @HakunonMatata : 过分,太过分了!你枉称蓝军球迷!难道我们就不能0-1输嘛?(Gone too far my man, 0-1 defeat can't we manage?)
